DP4 Racing returns this October 17th for the fourth round of the 2020 Kenda/DP4 Racing Championship. This round brings riders back to the Johnson Valley OHV area just outside of Lucerne Valley, Ca for the return of daytime racing for the year. Round Four will feature a 27-mile loop and 5 action packed laps of racing which takes riders into limited use areas that are shared with the US Marine Corps!
REMEMBER, DP4 RACING is the ONLY PLACE where you have the chance to win a complete set of Kenda Tires for taking the win in an Amateur racing class! Will you join the racers here at round 4?
Pre-Entry for Round 4 is now officially open! Our pre-entry is handled through MotoTally and can be accessed by clicking the buttons below. Please note that in order to pre-enter, you MUST be a DP4 series member first. In order to complete the two step signup process, start with the DP4 membership button below.
Once you have signed up for the series (note that it takes approximately 24 hours to process your membership) then you are free to pre-enter for round four! Please click the button below to pre-enter for Round four!
If you have signed up for a membership online, and pre-entered online, then just proceed to the “pre-entry line” at signups to complete your entry!
Note that all participants must have a DP4 Transponder. Transponders are $25 and are reusable at each round!
Signups/Tech Inspection
Friday 4-6pm
Saturday 6:30-8:30am
Live Draw for Start Positions
8 PM Friday – Posted to Facebook Live!
*Note that you must be pre entered to be a part of the live draw
Entry Fees
Pro – $425 (Includes $100 pro purse)
Pro purse to be paid Per Pro Class based off of entries
Amateur- $325
DP4 Membership- Pro – $50 / Amateur – $25
DP4 transponder (reusable) – $25
All classes (Pro/Am) eligible for DP401k program!
Riders Meeting
Viewing of the Riders meeting is mandatory for all drivers/co-drivers.
6 PM Friday – Posted to Facebook Live!
Driver Staging / National Anthem
Race Times
Pro/Ami – 11AM
Event Coordinates
34.5973227, -116.7130547
“North Anderson Lake Bed”
Approximately 18 miles East of Lucerne Valley on HWY 247
Look for turn off at “Camp Rock Road” 5-miles from Lucerne Valley, Ca.
*Note that the distance from Hwy 247 to staging is approx 13 miles of good, smooth dirt road. Allow for approx 20-minutes travel time from Hwy 247 to staging.
Course Details
Loop Length – approx 28 miles
Number of Laps – 5 – Grand Prix finish, all riders record a finish regardless of number of laps completed
Riders in ALL CLASSES will record a finish after completing at least 1 lap regardless of whether or not they take the checkered flag.
Starting Order to be a random drawing after the closing of signups.
Camping Fees- FREE
Gate Fees- FREE
Look for signage off of US HWY 247 just East of Lucerne Valley.
For more information call 949-584-9395.